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Chronological List

Click to download, print, or view the Parallel Gospels: Chronological List of Events formatted for Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Birth and ChildhoodThe First YearThe Second YearThe Third YearThe Last Few MonthsThe Last Few WeeksThe Last WeekThe Last EveningThe Arrest and TrialCrucifixion and BurialResurrection and Ascension

Description MT MK LK JN

3. The Second Year: The Year of Popularity

The Twelve Apostles Chosen --  -- 3:13-19 6:12-16 --  --
Many Healed --  -- --  -- 6:17-19 --  --
The Sermon on the Mount 5:1-7:29 --  -- 6:20-49 --  --
The Healing of the Centurion’s Servant 8:5-13 --  -- 7:1-10 --  --
The Miracle of the Raising from the Dead the Widow’s Son --  -- --  -- 7:11-17 --  --
John the Baptist’s Inquiry 11:2-6 --  -- 7:18-23 --  --
The Discourse on John the Baptist 11:7-19 --  -- 7:24-35 --  --
The Discourse on Unrepentant Cities 11:20-30 --  -- --  -- --  --
Jesus is Anointed by a Sinful Woman --  -- --  -- 7:36-50 --  --
The Women Supporting the Ministry --  -- --  -- 8:1-3 --  --
The Parable of the Sower 13:1-9 4:1-9 8:4-8 --  --
The Reason for the Use of Parables 13:10-17 4:10-12 8:9-10 --  --
The Parable of the Sower Explained 13:18-23 4:13-20 8:11-15 --  --
The Parable of the Lamp --  -- 4:21-25 8:16-18 --  --
The Parable of the Seed --  -- 4:26-29 --  -- --  --
The Parable of the Tares 13:24-30 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Parable of the Mustard Seed 13:31-32 4:30-34 --  -- --  --
The Parable of the Leaven 13:33-35 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Parable of the Tares Explained 13:36-43 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Parable of the Hidden Treasure 13:44 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Parable of the Costly Pearl 13:45-46 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Parable of the Dragnet 13:47-50 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Application of Parables 13:51-53 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Discourse on a Kingdom Divided Against Itself --  -- 3:20-30 --  -- --  --
The Visit of Jesus’ Mother and Brothers 12:46-50 3:31-35 8:19-21 --  --
The Miracle of the Calming of the Storm 8:23-27 4:35-41 8:22-25 --  --
The Healing of the Demon-Possessed Man 8:28-34 5:1-20 8:26-39 --  --
The Miracles of the Woman Healed and Girl Raised from the Dead 9:18-26 5:21-43 8:40-56 --  --
The Healing of the Two Blind Men 9:27-31 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Healing of the Mute, Demon-Possessed Man 9:32-34 --  -- --  -- --  --
Jesus’ Ministry 9:35-38 --  -- --  -- --  --
Jesus Teaching at Nazareth 13:54-58 6:1-6 --  -- --  --
The Twelve Sent Out 10:1-11:1 6:7-13 9:1-6 --  --
Herod’s Interest in Jesus 14:1-2 6:14-16 9:7-9 --  --
The Fate of John the Baptist 14:3-12 6:17-29 --  -- --  --
The Healing of the Man at the Pool in Jerusalem --  -- --  -- --  -- 5:1-18
The Discourse on Jesus’ Authority --  -- --  -- --  -- 5:19-47