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Chronological List

Click to download, print, or view the Parallel Gospels: Chronological List of Events formatted for Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Birth and ChildhoodThe First YearThe Second YearThe Third YearThe Last Few MonthsThe Last Few WeeksThe Very Last WeekThe Last EveningThe Arrest and TrialCrucifixion and BurialResurrection and Ascension

Description MT MK LK JN

7. The Very Last Week


The Triumphal Entry 21:1-11 11:1-10 19:28-44 12:12-19
Jesus Returns to Bethany --  -- 11:11 --  -- --  --


The Fig Tree Cursed --  -- 11:12-14 --  -- --  --
Jesus Drives the Merchants from the Temple 21:12-13 11:15-18 19:45-46 --  --
The Praise of Children 21:14-16 --  -- --  -- --  --
Jesus Teaches Daily in the Temple 21:17 11:19 19:47-48 --  --


The Fig Tree Withered 21:18-22 11:20-26 --  -- --  --
Jesus’ Authority Questioned 21:23-27 11:27-33 20:1-8 --  --
The Parable of the Two Sons 21:28-32 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Parable of the Vine-Growers 21:33-46 12:1-12 20:9-18 --  --
The Parable of the Marriage Feast 22:1-14 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Question of Tribute to Caesar 22:15-22 12:13-17 20:19-26 --  --
The Question of the Resurrection 22:23-33 12:18-27 20:27-40 --  --
The Question of the Greatest Commandment 22:34-40 12:28-34 --  -- --  --
Jesus’ Question Concerning the Son of David 22:41-46 12:35-37 20:41-44 --  --
Jesus’ Warning Against the Scribes 23:1-12 12:38-40 20:45-47 --  --
The Woes Pronounced Against the Scribes and Pharisees 23:13-36 --  -- --  -- --  --
Jesus’ Lament Over Jerusalem 23:37-39 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Widow’s Gift   12:41-43 21:1-4 --  --
The Discourse on the End Times 24:1-51 13:1-37 21:5-36 --  --
The Parable of the Ten Virgins 25:1-13 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Parable of the Talents 25:14-30 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Discourse on Judgment 25:31-46 --  -- --  -- --  --
The Greeks Seek Jesus --  -- --  -- --  -- 12:20-26
Jesus Sought by the People Each Day --  -- --  -- 21:37-38 --  --
Jesus Foretells of His Death 26:1-2 --  -- --  -- 12:27-50
The Authorities Look for an Opportunity to Kill Jesus 26:3-5 14:1-2 22:1-2 --  --
Satan Enters Judas Iscariot 26:14-16 14:10-11 22:3-6 --  --


The Preparations for the Passover 26:17-19 14:12-16 22:7-13 --  --