Appendix “A”: Elijah, Elisha and John the Baptist in Scripture

Event Reference
Predicts a Drought 1 Ki. 17:1
Fed by the Ravens (East of the Jordan) 1 Ki. 17:2-7
Fed by the Widow at Zarephath (Sidon) 1 Ki. 17:8-16
Raises the Widow's Son from the Dead 1 Ki. 17:17-24
Elijah Returns & Meets Obadiah 1 Ki. 18:1-16
Elijah Meets Ahab 1 Ki. 18:17-19
Elijah & the Prophets of Baal at Mt. Carmel 1 Ki. 18:20-40
Elijah Ends the Drought 1 Ki. 18:41-46
Elijah Flees from Jezebel 1 Ki. 19:1-8
Elijah at Mt. Horeb 1 Ki. 19:9-14
The Lord's Promise of Jehu, Elisha & 7,000 1 Ki. 19:15-18
Elisha Joins with Elijah 1 Ki. 19:19-21
War with Aram 1 Ki. 20
Ahab Takes Naboth's Vineyard (Jezebel) 1 Ki. 21:1-16
Elijah Prophesies About Ahab & Jezebel 1 Ki. 21:17-26
Ahab's Repentance 1 Ki. 21:27-29
Ahab & Jehoshaphat Battle Aram 1 Ki. 22:1-36
The Death of Ahab 1 Ki. 22:37-40
The Death of Jehoshaphat 1 Ki. 22:41-50
The Reign & Death of Ahaziah, Son of Ahab 1 Ki. 22:51-53
Elijah & Ahaziah's Three Groups of Fifty 2 Ki. 1:1-16
Ahaziah's Death & Jehoram's Reign 2 Ki. 1:17-18
Elijah & Elisha Go to Gilgal 2 Ki. 2:1
Elijah & Elisha Go to Bethel 2 Ki. 2:2-3
Elijah & Elisha Go to Jericho 2 Ki. 2:4-6
Elijah & Elisha Cross the Jordan 2 Ki. 2:7-8
The Rapture of Elijah 2 Ki. 2:9-12
The Promise of Elijah’s Return Mal. 4:5-6
Gabriel Declares John Will Come in the Spirit & Power of Elijah Lk. 1:13-17
Elijah Mentioned by Christ Eschatologically Lk. 4:22-26
Elijah Mentioned by the People Mk. 6:14-16
Elijah Mentioned by Christ as Having Come as John the Baptist Mt. 11:7-15
Elijah Mentioned by the Disciples Mt. 16:13-16
Mk. 8:27-30
Lk. 9:18-22
Elijah on the Mt. of Transfiguration Mt. 17:1-15
Mk. 9:2-13
Lk. 9:29-36
Elijah Mentioned at the Cross Mt. 27:46-49
Mk. 15:33-36
Elijah Mentioned by Paul Rom. 11:1-6
Elijah Mentioned by James Ja. 5:16-17


Event Reference
The Lord's Promise of Jehu, Elisha & 7,000 1 Ki. 19:14-18
Elisha Joins with Elijah 1 Ki. 19:19-21
Elijah & Elisha Go to Gilgal 2 Ki. 2:1
Elijah & Elisha Go to Bethel 2 Ki. 2:2-3
Elijah & Elisha Go to Jericho 2 Ki. 2:4-6
Elijah & Elisha Cross the Jordan 2 Ki. 2:7-8
The Rapture of Elijah 2 Ki. 2:9-12
Elisha Receives Elijah's Mantle at the Jordan 2 Ki. 2:13
Elisha Crosses the Jordan 2 Ki. 2:14
The Fifty Search for Elijah 2 Ki. 2:15-18
Elisha Purifies the Waters at Jericho 2 Ki. 2:19-22
42 Youths Taunt Elisha at Bethel 2 Ki. 2:23-24
Elisha Returns to Mt. Carmel & Samaria 2 Ki. 2:25
Jehoram, Jehoshaphat & Edom vs. Moab 2 Ki. 3:1-8
The Consultation of Elisha 2 Ki. 3:9-20
Victory Over Moab 2 Ki. 3:21-27
The Miracle of the Widow's Oil 2 Ki. 4:1-7
The Shunammite Woman 2 Ki. 4:8-17
The Shunammite’s Son Raised from the Dead 2 Ki. 4:18-37
The Poisonous Stew Cured at Gilgal 2 Ki. 4:38-41
The Miraculous Feeding 2 Ki. 4:42-44
The Healing of Naaman 2 Ki. 5:1-14
The Curse on Gehazi 2 Ki. 5:15-27
The Recovery of the Axe Head 2 Ki. 6:1-7
The Attempt to Capture Elisha by Aram 2 Ki. 6:8-23
The Siege of Samaria & Defeat of Aram 2 Ki. 6:24-7:20
The Shunammite's Land Restored 2 Ki. 8:1-6
Elisha Prophecies About Hazael (Aram) 2 Ki. 8:7-15
The Reign & Death of Jehoram (Israel) 2 Ki. 8:16-23
Elisha's Anointing of Jehu (Israel) 2 Ki. 9:1-13
Jehu Defeats Joram (Israel) 2 Ki. 9:14-26
Jehu Assassinates Ahaziah (Judah) 2 Ki. 9:27-28
The Death of Jezebel 2 Ki. 9:29-37
Judgment on Ahab's House through Jehu 2 Ki. 10:1-11
Jehu Kills 42 Relatives of Ahaziah (Judah) 2 Ki. 10:12-14
Jehu Joins with Jonadab Against Ahab's House 2 Ki. 10:15-17
Jehu Destroys the Baal Worshipers 2 Ki. 10:18-28
Assessment of Jehu's Character 2 Ki. 10:29-31
Portions of Israel Begin to Be Cut Off 2 Ki. 10:32-33
Death of Jehu 2 Ki. 10:34-36
The Reign of Queen Athaliah (Judah) 2 Ki. 11:1-3
Jehoiada & King Joash (Judah) 2 Ki. 11:4-21
The Reign of Joash (Judah) 2 Ki. 12:1-18
The Reign of Amaziah (Judah) 2 Ki. 12:19-21
The Reign of Jehoahaz (Israel) 2 Ki. 13:1-9
The Reign of Jehoash (Israel) 2 Ki. 13:10-13
The Death of Elisha 2 Ki. 13:14-19
The Man Raised from the Dead 2 Ki. 13:20-21
Elisha Mentioned by Christ Lk. 4:25-27


John the Baptist
Birth of John Foretold
Elizabeth Becomes Pregnant
Mary Visits Elizabeth
Birth of John
John’s Childhood & Pre-Ministry Life
John’s Role & Relationship Explained
Ministry of John the Baptist
John Baptizes Jesus
Officials Inquire of John
John’s Testimony Concerning Jesus
Jesus’ First Disciples from John’s Disciples
John’s Final Testimony
Jesus’ Increase Over John
John Imprisoned by Herod
John’s Disciples Question Jesus
The Delegation Sent to Jesus by John
Jesus’ Discourse on John
John’s Final Fate
Reference to John’s Discipleship
Reference to John’s Ministry
Jesus’ Return to the Jordan
Jesus’ Question Concerning John
The Parable of the Two Sons
The Baptism of John Acts 1:4-5
John as a Qualification for Apostleship Acts 1:21-22
Peter’s Testimony Concerning John’s Ministry Acts 10:36-37
Peter’s Reference at Cornelius’ House Acts 11:15-17
Stephen’s Testimony Concerning John Acts 13:22-25
Apollos’ Relationship to John Acts 18:24-28
Disciples of John in Ephesus Acts 19:1-7


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