The Theme of Walk with the Word
"Your word I have treasured in my heart...."
—Psalm 119:11
As stated previously, simply having knowledge of the Bible and its content is not enough. There is a marked difference between knowledge of the Bible in the mind and having the knowledge of God through His Word in the heart.
Knowing God through His Word at the level of the heart implies that the Bible is one's personal source for all truth and meaning. To know the Bible means that the truths of the Word of God have infused every aspect of a person's being— the thought life, one's personal conduct and lifestyle, and in particular, relationships. It is not enough just to have a good knowledge of the Bible. The Bible is living and is to be "fleshed out."
Additionally, we believe that the "voice" of God these days is no different than it has always been— the voice of God is the Word of God. While many promote reliance upon practical approaches to Christian living, upon self-help sources, upon charismatic manifestations such as tongues, prophecy, healings and miracles, and even upon the very act or worship itself, at Walk with the Word we believe that the only reliable and trustworthy source for "hearing God" is through His Word. Therefore, it is our desire that every reader learn how to become intimately connected with God through His Word.
Walk with the Word provides a systematic method for reading through the Bible every 3.4 years. The program is designed to be implemented by churches on a church-wide basis, as a small group ministry, or for the individual. Teaching through the Bible every 3 years is not for the mere purpose of completing a noble task.
In summary then, Walk with the Word primarily focuses on three things:
(1) to receive the Word (accurately understand the Bible and be able to interact with it on a personal level, to the point that God speaks to the heart);
(2) to live the Word ("flesh out" God's Word to the point that the truth permeates every aspect of the believer's life, affecting decision-making, behavior and relationships); and,
(3) to spread the Word (share the good news found in God's Word with pre-Christians and help them to receive the Word and begin living the Word).