The Ultimate Purpose of the Reading Plan
"I rise before dawn and cry for help;
I wait for Your words.
My eyes anticipate the night watches,
That I may meditate on Your word."
—Psalm 119:147-148
The ultimate purpose of the Walk with the Word Reading Plan is not just to provide a structure for "getting through" God's Word every 3.3 years. As stated earlier, knowledge of God's Word is important and foundational, but knowledge alone does not necessarily change the heart.
The ultimate purpose of reading through God's Word is to change the heart, which in turn changes the mind, which in turn changes behavior, lifestyle and Christian walk, which in turn is destined to change relationships, the end goal being love:
"But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith"
—1 Timothy 1:5
In order to fulfill the ultimate purpose of the Bible study plan, believers are encouraged to meditate on God's Word and to approach God's Word with the understanding that God speaks to the heart through His Word. We at Walk with the Word believe that the primary means by which God speaks to believers today is not through prophets or teachers or pastors, or even through "impressions" from the Holy Spirit in prayer, but through His Word. We believe every follower of Jesus Christ who approaches God's Word with a sincere heart is capable of hearing God's "voice," as it were, through His Word.
"Remember the word to Your servant,
In which You have made me hope.
This is my comfort in my affliction,
That Your word has revived me."
—Psalm 119:49-50
One of the best ways for individual believers to get in touch with God through His Word, we believe, is by journaling. And the best way to shepherd the flock as a whole is to implement coordinated Bible study in as many local ministries as possible.