Chapter 5 • For Individual Study
Enhance Another Study
Enhance Another Study
The odds are pretty good that the Walk with the Word reading schedule and email Bible studies won’t parallel activities in your local church. But if your pastor is, say, preaching through a particular book of the Bible, you can download Walk with the Word studies from the same general sections of Scripture to enhance such studies and make personal application of same. When you pay attention to the themes or sections of Scripture that are being covered by your local ministry, and supplement the study with personal application, the sermons and lessons you experience are enhanced and more personally meaningful because you’re now actively involved in what the Spirit is communicating.
If you’re not involved in a small group ministry, consider starting one to take your study to the next level involving sharing, fellowship, and accountability. Using the guidelines and studies available on Walk with the Word makes it very easy to facilitate a weekly Bible study at home, work, or school.