Chapter 6 • The Inductive Method


Observation, interpretation, and application lead to transformation. This is the goal at every level of Bible teaching whether in an individual’s daily devotions or the Sunday morning sermon. This is the process of becoming more and more like the image of Christ that we might not only enjoy a deeper personal relationship with our Savior but reflect His image to the world rather than our own.

Or as Christ described it, becoming doers of the Law.

Ultimately, it you want to measure whether or not your Bible study time and method is effective or not, there is one measurement which conclusively proves it for you personally regardless of the techniques or methodology you employ. Remember two things Jesus taught:

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

—John 13:34-35

“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.

—John 14:15

The whole Law is fulfilled in Christ’s commandment to love others and the proof of our love for Him is found in the quality of our obedience to His Word. Therefore, if we are putting His Word into practice in our life and being obedient to Him, the proof that our Bible study method is working will be revealed in our relationships with other people.

If we are becoming more loving, the Word is taking root as it should and therefore our Bible study method is working. But if we are the most intellectual Bible scholar on the planet yet continue to struggle in our love for others, our Bible study method is an utter failure. The proof is the degree that our relationships begin to change over time.

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