Read verses 5-6
Q: With what do these verses conclude?
A: An expression of confidence.
Q: What is significant about the wording, “But I have trusted”?
A: It is a direct contrast to the previous verses, showing the petitioner’s response to the issues raised. It is phrased as a completed past action to show that in spite of his feelings and the circumstances, he has continually maintained faith and trust in God.
Q: What are the three aspects in which confidence is expressed?
- “Your lovingkindness” – God’s grace, His response even when we do not deserve or warrant it.
- “Your salvation” – The promise of God’s deliverance.
- “He has dealt bountifully with me” – God’s record of past answers to prayer upon which current and future acts of personal faith can rely.
Q: To what pinnacle does this brief Psalm attain in its final verse?
A: It concludes with praise.
Q: How is this praise given in the character of the expression of faith, “I have trusted”?
A: The cause for praise, “Because He has dealt bountifully” is also presented as a completed, past action.
Application: The nature of true praise given in an authentic attitude of praise is to recognize as already completed the work of the Lord regardless of present circumstances.