Read verses 1-2
Q: What does “ascribe” mean?
A: In English it means to attribute something to its source, such as ascribing the authorship of a book to the writer. The Hebrew word as used in the Old Testament carries with it the parallel notion of being worthy of sacrifices and recognizing His sovereignty.
Q: Who are the “sons of the mighty”?
A: This phrase is found only one additional time in Psalm 89:6 and appears to reference His heavenly servants the angels. But because faithful followers are often referred to as His “sons”, it seems equally appropriate as a meaning that can also be applied it to His earthly servants. Both must correctly worship God in holiness.
Q: What is being specifically attributed to God?
(v.1) “…glory and strength.”
(v.2) “…the glory due to His name.”
Q: What is the biblical definition of “glory”?
A: The basic meaning of the underlying Hebrew term is “to be heavy, weighty”. The root is not often used in its literal sense but more often metaphorically such as “heavy with sin”. Biblically it is spoke of as something palpable and at times visible but should be noted that the Messiah is specifically ascribed this quality, and also identifies the visible beauty and appearance of the vestments of the high priest. (Ex. 28:2, 40)
In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth will be the pride and the adornment of the survivors of Israel.
Isaiah 4:2
Q: How is this supposed to be visibly expressed according to v.2?
A: Not just “worship”, but “in holy array”
Q: What does that mean?
A: Another way this can be expressed is to “worship in holy attire” as was literally seen in the priesthood’s Temple service. Those vestments were designed according to God’s specifications to reflect His Word and ways.
Point: This was not an endorsement to make church services as fancy and over-decorated as possible, but was meant as an earthly Old Testament representation of the beauty and splendor of God’s holiness. In the New Testament such attire is the deeds of a faithful follower.
7“Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” 8It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
Revelation 19:7-8
Q: How does this opening significantly differ from the body of v.3-9?
A: It is the voice of man speaking to God rather than the voice of the Lord speaking to man.
Application: True worship takes shape in all its forms by being founded on the acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty and conducted in the character of His holiness.