Read 11:9-10
Q: Again, within the context of the teaching to this point, what is the practical application of the meaning of v.9?
A: We may not understand all of God’s ways, but we will certainly be held accountable by Him for all of our own ways.
Q: To place v.10 in the proper context, what is the key difference between childhood, young manhood, and adulthood?
A: Maturity of mind and heart over the body. When young, the body can sometimes make up for shortcomings with enthusiasm and vigor, but over the long haul it is the discipline and conditioning of the mind and heart to recognize the need to overcome that wins throughout life overall and cause the body—one’s actions—to do the right thing.
Application: Our service to God through our commitment to others requires a mature, disciplined approach that trusts in Him to produce the right results for both His kingdom at large and for our life personally.
Summary to this Point
Use this life to love your neighbor at every opportunity. In so doing, you are not only participating in His kingdom’s work, but establishing yourself in God’s eyes both in this life and the one to come.
Application: Use this life to love your neighbor at every opportunity. In so doing, you are not only participating in His kingdom’s work, but establishing yourself in God’s eyes both in this life and the one to come.
- Is your service to others “conditional”, limited only to those you know such as family or friends? In what ways do you provide relief without even the hope of seeing something in return?
- Do you realize that if you have been “pre-qualifying” candidates for your support that you might not be trusting God for the results?