Read verses 20-23
Q: In v.20, what is specifically listed as to what Daniel was doing and why?
- “…while I was speaking and praying…”
- “…while I was…confessing my sin…”
- “…while I was…confessing the sin of my people Israel…”
- “…while…presenting my supplication…”
Point: Daniel was not seeking something new or some kind of additional insight, but earnestly interceding on the behalf of God’s people because of the imminent fulfillment of that which God had already spoken.
Q: What does this teach us theologically?
A: If even a righteous example such as Daniel, for which Scripture records no instance of sin, continually confesses his sin and intercedes for believers, then there is still a need for believers to confess sin even after they have come to faith in Christ.
Q: How long did Daniel have to wait for a response?
A: Although Gabriel states that God’s response was initiated “at the beginning of your supplications” (v.23), the substance of Daniel’s prayer was not seeking a direct response from God, but rather attempting to remedy the current situation.
Q: For what is Gabriel most famous? What do we first think of concerning him?
A: He provided the announcements to Zacharias, Mary, and Joseph.
Q: How does his appearance to Daniel fit in with these other announcements?
A: Gabriel seems to be God’s designated messenger where the Messiah is concerned.
Point: This is Gabriel’s first message announcing a specific timeline for the appearance of the Messiah in the First Coming. He will next appear to Zacharias to announce the birth of the Messiah’s forerunner, John the Baptist, then the Messiah Himself to Mary and Joseph. When Gabriel appears in the Nativity Narrative, it is actually a confirmation of the fulfillment of this first announcement to Daniel.
Q: How do we know the sincere depth and intensity of Daniel’s supplication?
A: When Gabriel appears, he comes “in my extreme weariness”. (v.21)
Q: Likewise, how does v.21 reveal to us the sincere depth and intensity to obeying God’s Word and ways?
A: There is no Temple in operation for the past 70 years, but Daniel still orders his life as if it has continued uninterrupted. This is the meaning of “the time of the evening offering”, something occurring daily in the Temple. This is a time associated in Scripture with prayer. (Ezra 9:5; Ps. 141:2)
Q: Is Gabriel’s “instruction” purely informational?
A: His purpose is “to give you insight with understanding”. (v.22)
Q: What is the meaning of “highly esteemed”?
A: The underlying Hebrew depicts someone desired or highly precious. The term is elsewhere used for gold (Ezra 8:27) and garments (Gen. 27:15), combining to describe something treasured by God.
Q: How does Gabriel’s admonition to “give heed to the message and gain understanding of the vision” confirm how we are to approach and handle God’s Word?
A: In order to properly understand a vision or dream from God, one must “heed” the greater message which is being addressed. Scriptural information is incomplete without scriptural application. [See Rev. 1:1]
Application: Wisdom where the deeper things of God are concerned comes in the course of faithfulness demonstrated not just for one’s personal walk in Christ, but for that of the whole Body of Christ.