Read verses 3-4
Q: What spiritual tool is Peter using to expose what is going on?
A: He is using spiritual discernment.
Point. What people often refer to as the “gift of discernment” as spoken for through Paul in 1 Cor. 12:10 is actually translated in the NASB as “distinguishing of spirits”. It refers to the God-given insight as to whether something is from God, from Satan, or born from the flesh.
Q: What is the “moral of the story”, so to speak, about all sin? Is it possible to permanently hide it?
A: Ultimately every sin is discovered one way or another. Even on rare occasions where someone is able to keep it secret in this life, it will be revealed at God’s judgment for the next. But it is worth noting that sin within the church always gets exposed because sooner or later the Holy Spirit-filled believers will uncover it.
Q: What is the bottom line truth Peter teaches about sin?
A: Although it may affect others as it is carried out, it is ultimately a crime committed against God Himself. We saw the same teaching in David’s confession of his sin with Bathseeba
For I know my transgressions,
And my sin is ever before me.
Against You, You only, I have sinned
And done what is evil in Your sight,
So that You are justified when You speak
And blameless when You judge.
— Psalm 51:3-4
Application: Spiritual deception is actually something that comes about because someone first allows unresolved sin to reside in their life. This is why it is ultimately an issue between them and God even though they may injure many people along the way – sin can only be committed against God alone.