Read 20:18-21 — Paul’s Example of Leadership
Q: According to v.18, what was the level of Paul’s commitment to the people?
A: “I was with you the whole time”.
Q: Is this because he was, in our own modern terms, a full-time paid member of the church’s staff?
A: No. Verse 34 indicates that he supported himself financially.
Q: What is the practical point of application? What is probably different about Paul’s attitude from our own?
A: His Christian brethren were the focus of his life, not a part-time activity. He did not view service as participating in his brethren’s life a couple of times a week, but in devotion to all their needs all the time.
Q: According to v.19, how would you characterize the type of persecution to which Paul was subjected?
A: It was specifically directed at him personally.
Q: What are the three ways in v.20-21 which show Paul did not let personal trials interfere with his ministry?
- He “did not shrink from declaring….anything that was profitable….”
- He continued “teaching….publicly and from house to house…"
- He solemnly “testified to both Jews and Greeks of repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Another way of putting it is that he built the church up both through small or large, public or private meetings and continued to evangelize new converts. He built the church up both inwardly and outwardly.