We really need to put Paul’s teaching into the proper context. One of the biggest problems in the church at Corinth was division. (See 1:10-16; 6:1-8; 11:18-22) They had devolved into groups who followed their chosen human leader, selfishly exercised their spiritual gifts, and seemed to care little if anything for the health or ministry of the body as a whole. Although the Christians at Corinth had received an abundance of spiritual gifts (see 1:4-7), they were exceedingly lacking in spiritual graces – the kind of Christian character that the Holy Spirit longed for in them. We need to understand that spiritual gifts are not necessarily a mark of Christian character or spiritual maturity. In the Corinthians’ case, these believers were carnal even though they exercised wonderful and miraculous gifts. The foremost lesson WE want to derive from this is the proper application of the gifts in the course of not just our ministry, but our relationships.