NT Application for Our Life
Here are a few of the many things to pay attention to in order to not only properly understand the New Testament within its proper context but to become a “doer” rather than a “hearer”.
- The Gospels are not clones of each other but each have a different, specific message. More important than comparing the parallel passages common between 2 or more Gospels is seeing the different aspects of Christ’s character and ministry each viewpoint provides. Comparing individual parallel passages may be advantageous in many situations and highly encouraged, but don’t allow it to override the greater message being communicated by each individual Gospel. (Ever notice how Matthew is divided into specific sections? Why?)
- Not only do the Apostles’ writings provide a glimpse of the early church during different stages of development, they are a window into Believer’s differing maturity levels. Some of these letters are addressed to churches whose congregants are in the earliest stages of their walk with Christ, others intermediate or even very mature. What is it about certain books that attract your attention at different times of your own life? Is this telling you something about your own walk?
- Galatians may be the most important book for our understanding of the true meaning of “the Gospel” and the character of the early church. It is Paul’s earliest extant letter written to address the first threats of reinterpreting the Gospel and its application to one’s personal walk with Christ.
- All of the teaching concerning the End Times by Jesus, Peter, Paul, John, etc. spend far more time warning Believers not to be taken in by the spiritual deception accompanying those events than the events themselves. Even Revelation begins with 7 types of Christian (represented by the 7 churches) in various conditions in regards to the quality of their walk and spiritual maturity in Christ. Just as in the Old Testament, signs are mainly for non-believers and the role of God’s people in such times is to provide an example of faith and obedience to His Word, not be obsessed with the signs themselves.