Chapter 3 • Hearing God's Voice
Pitfalls & Dangers

Pitfalls & Dangers

One objection raised to applying God’s Word to one’s personal circumstances is that the application will be incorrect or even unbiblical. There is the humorous story of the Christian who wanted to hear what God had to say, and so closed his eyes and opened to a verse in the Bible. He placed his finger on the verse that read, “Judas hanged himself.” Finding that verse not very encouraging, he closed his eyes and picked another verse. It read, “Go thou and do likewise.” Still unsatisfied with the results, he chose yet another verse. It read, “What thou doest, do quickly!” (Old anecdotal story; source unknown)

It is very possible that the Bible may be misapplied just like it is possible that the Bible may be misinterpreted. But because the Bible may be misinterpreted, should believers be discouraged from reading it? Of course not. Because the Word of God may be misapplied, the alternative of not making personal application is far worse and deprives the believer of one of the great blessings and intentions from God’s Word. David wrote, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

Here are some guidelines that may be helpful to correctly hearing God’s voice through His Word.

Connecting with God through His Word means hearing God’s voice personally. At Walk with the Word we believe every Christian who indeed has the Holy Spirit dwelling within is gifted and able to hear God’s voice directly through His Word. “The unfolding of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” —Psalm 119:130

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