Summary of Chapter 3 • Hearing God's Voice
Walk with the Word takes the position that every believer can hear God’s voice directly through His Word. The key is in the phrase “through His Word.”
- The Bible alone is the only source of revelational truth from God. When the canon of the New Testament was closed, no other revelational truth was required, delivered or needed.
- To experience the divine interaction between the Holy Spirit and the spirit of the believer that enables him to become directly connected with God through His Word, the Holy Spirit must dwell within.
- Not only does the Holy Spirit “explain” God’s Word to us — that is, help us understand its truths — He is always present in our lives to help us apply God’s Word to any given situation.
- Hearing God’s voice through His Word pertains only to application, not to interpretation. It is using the principles, the thoughts, and the words of Scripture to apply to an individual’s given situation.
Every Christian who indeed has the Holy Spirit dwelling within is gifted and able to hear God’s voice directly through His Word.