The purpose of the teaching element is for the leader to guide the group through one main point the leader has learned from the selected portion of Scripture and to facilitate group discussion. This main point may be a practical spiritual lesson, a story line or even a theological concept.
When using Bible study guides developed by Walk with the Word this concept can be observed in action. Suggested questions are placed in parallel with each section of Scripture to facilitate group discussion while guiding everyone point-by-point towards a greater lesson.
The basic structure for these studies follows what is known as the “Inductive Bible Study System”. In its simplest form, it’s the process of studying Scripture by first observing (who, what, where, why and how), interpreting (what does it mean), and application (how does it apply to my life). The question and answer style of the studies facilitates group discussion to observe, interpret and, most importantly, actually apply biblical truth.
After the leader has focused the group with opening prayer, he or she:
- Provides context for the main point (lesson, theme)
- Introduces the main point
- Traces the main point through the Scripture portion
- Includes appropriate facts of information gained from personal study
- Supports the main point with cross references as appropriate
Walk with the Word Bible studies follow these points but also highly encourages you to develop your own studies as you delve deeper into God’s Word.