The purpose of application is to help group members identify personally with the main point. Without personal application, the study never goes beyond the dissemination of facts and information. Application should be taking place throughout the entire study!
The leader may facilitate application by:
Encouraging group members to share how they might apply the main point to their lives personally. It’s often just a simple manner of opening it up to the group by asking, “What does this say to you personally?”
Sharing a personal testimony. If we are to become the type of leader Jesus has defined (a servant of others) we may need to inspire confidence in the group by personally relating how a particular lesson has changed/is changing our walk with Christ.
Sharing a story or illustration. Often we’ll come across testimony or situations that parallel the main point of the lesson being taught.
The commonality of all three points is an emphasis on faith rather than knowledge, of how Scripture is changing our heart more than our mind.