[Note to Group Leaders: Do not worry if you cannot get through all of these examples, odds are that because of group feedback you will not. Go through as many as possible and feel free to skip as necessary. This lesson really teaches as much about HOW to study God’s Word as it does in explaining the nature of God’s Word.]
What is God’s Word supposed to accomplish in the believer’s life? This question is nowhere more thoroughly answered than Psalm 119. What follows is just a sampling, but could if time allowed be undertaken for each of its 176 verses. Unless we pause long enough to actually study each verse, we will miss the fact that nearly every verse in Psalm 119 is almost an entire sermon unto itself. The examples in this lesson show what can be accomplished if we slow down and study God’s Word rather than simply reading for reading’s sake.
[Suggestion: If you memorize just one verse of Psalm 119 a day, within a few months you will have memorized the whole chapter.]