Sample Journal Entries

Sample Journal Entries

Sample journal entries by others who have journaled through Walk with the Word (initials fictitious):

"Someone said something to me yesterday that really hurt me. Then God spoke to me through his word. Genesis 45:7: 'And God sent me before you to preserve you a remnant in he earth, and to save you alive by a great deliverance.' There is so much in this verse. Joseph could have been justified by the world's standards to have them killed or even thrown into prison. But what did he do? He forgave them. Why, the truth is that he forgave them a long time ago. This is what God calls me to do. When I harbor bad feelings about someone I only hurt myself." SR, February 3

"Today I read that 'David inquired of the Lord.' I suddenly realized how many decisions I make every day, really important ones, without inquiring of the Lord. No more just saying 'Yes' when someone asks me to do something. First I'm going to inquire of the Lord! Is it something he wants me to do?" RR, January 6

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