In order to understand the greater meaning and what is the most important lesson to gain from this chapter, circle the following words in the following verses:
- (v.3) “edification”
- (v.3) “exhortation”
- (v.3) “consolation”
- (v.4) “edifies” (twice)
- (v.5) “edifying”
- (v.12) “edification”
- (v.17) “edified”
- (v.19) “instruct”
- (v.26) “edification”
- (v.31) “exhorted”
Are you beginning to sense the greater, underlying pattern? There are those who think that it is only the gift of teaching which edifies, exhorts and instructs the Body of Christ, but that is actually the goal of all of the spiritual gifts and offices. And in order for this to take place, it cannot come about in a freestyle environment where everyone acts and does as they wish, but within a structured approach sensitive not only to allow each gift to build up the Body in truth and love, but to mutually receive the same from all the gifts. It is important to remember that one of the specific fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:21-22) is self-control, and that within that framework Church is supposed to operate so as to not just merely instruct, but edify and exhort each member lovingly.