Rebuilding the Gates Today
We live in a time in most of the western countries where the gates are devastated, and where the Lord is calling for people who will mourn over the state like Nehemiah did and begin to rebuild. There were men and there were women. People from all backgrounds, all professions, working together as families. Different groups had different jobs. Different ones had different territory. And so it’s going to be. We’re not all going to have the same ministry, we’re not all going to have the same territory, but we’re all going to have the same objective: to rebuild that which was devastated.
Nehemiah went to something that used to exist and no longer did; it was broken down. He didn’t try to rebuild the Fountain Gate first, or the Water Gate first, or the Horse Gate first. I wish we were in a good enough state we could take on Islam. We’re not. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t witness to Muslims. We should witness to Muslims. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t witness to New Agers, we should. Should we pray for their salvation? Absolutely. But what it means is the church is not in the condition in this nation to throw back those powers the way the church is in the condition to throw it back in the Far East.
We have to begin rebuilding in order. Go back to the basics of the Fish Gate and the Sheep Gate. “My sheep will hear My voice”. (John 10:27) The Lamb of God that was slain for us. The Gospel is simply not emphasized or preached in so many churches any more. The hymns are about anything and everything other than the blood of the Lamb. In the Vineyard hymn book – in one Vineyard hymn book I read – they had like 80-something hymns; only 2 of them mentioned the cross or the blood.
We have to rebuild the basic gates: The Sheep Gate, the Fish Gate. “I’ll make you fishers of men”. (Matthew 4:19) OK, I thank God for the groups doing the right thing. We need places for people who are churchless because of other places’ failures. But we just can’t be clubs for Christians who’ve been abused. We just can’t be a refugee camp for people who have come out of churches because of false doctrine and because they were being financially fleeced all the time. That’s not good enough. We just can’t be a place where you want to come to because your church is ecumenical or Toronto-ized or whatever. That’s a beginning, and it’s preaching the Gospel and going fishing. These other churches are giving people hype, we’ve got to give them the truth.
Getting God’s Plan for Evangelism
One of the things we have to begin doing is to pray that we get God’s plan for evangelism. I thank God there’s tracts available, but I think that some of these meetings are going to have to begin to become evangelistic and prayer meetings praying for people to get saved. Let’s go back to the basic things: The Gospel, going fishing.
We can’t cast our nets until Jesus tells us where to do it. If we just go out with our own idea for an evangelistic program. He has to get in our boat and tell us where to cast the nets. But everybody can use a fishing rod. There’s nobody who can’t witness day-to-day and there’s nobody who can’t ask the Lord for His plan: “Jesus, please get in our boat and You show us where to cast our nets.” We’ve got to get God’s plan for evangelism. Go back to the basics: The Old Gate, the Gate of Ephraim, the Valley Gate.
Reversing the Current State
This nation would not be in the state it’s in, New Zealand would not be in the state it’s in, Australia would not be in the state it’s in, Great Britain would not be in the state it’s in, except for one reason: these nations and societies are in the state they’re in because the church is in the state it’s in. We’re supposed to be the “salt” and “light” (Matthew 5:13-16) Until we repent, there’s not going to be any repentance in society.
There’s a lot of garbage – rubbish – stuff that’s clogging up the water works. The plumbing is jammed. Nobody wants to crawl down into a pit and clean it out, but that’s what has to be done. We’ve got to realize this. There’s a lot of junk that’s in the church and in our lives that Jesus has to get rid of before the water can really flow again.
There’s no easy way out of this mess. The walls have to be rebuilt, the gates have to be repaired, there’s a lot of work to do. We’ve got to clean out all the rubbish that’s stopping up the drains and clogging up the water works; then the water can flow again. But the nobles aren’t going to support the work. It’s mainly going to be ordinary people. Always has been, always will be.
But if we follow God’s plan instead of man’s, that rubbish is going to go. And then the water will begin to flow. When the water begins to flow, it will fill the pool: A Spirit-filled church will result.
Satan doesn’t like Charismatic churches, but he’s not afraid of them. Satan doesn’t like Fundamentalist churches, but he’s not afraid of them. But when you have Spirit and truth, a church that’s based on the Word of God but also open to the fullness of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit, working in unison, that’s the kind of church he does not want to see. And he will do anything and everything he can to prevent a church like that from coming. He’ll get the Fundamentalists to shut off the gifts of the Spirit, to resist the Spirit, suppress the Spirit. He’ll use crazy Charismatics to discredit the gifts of the Spirit so as to give them a reason to do it. And then he’ll take the Charismatics and make them loony, and keep them away from the Bible, saying stupid things such as the case of a Pentecostal minister who said, picking up the Bible, “This book has failed us; we need more of the Spirit.” Yeah? What spirit?
Now the garbage goes, then the water flows. Then we go to war. Then we mount up for battle. Then we hitch the horses to the chariots. Then we can take on the forces of darkness.
The Signs of the Time
The East Gate – the coming of Jesus. I’ve said it a couple of times and I’ll say it one more time: If you asked me ten years ago why I thought Jesus was coming, I would have told you because of events in the Middle East, because of the reunification of Europe, the globalization of the world economy, the one-world money system and all this. I would have said that stuff. I still agree. I agree with those things more now than I did ten years ago. But it’s not the main reason I believe Jesus is coming. The main reason I believe Jesus is coming is because of the level of deception in the church.
The main leader, the evangelical archbishop of Canterbury, a Charismatic, Evangelical, born again, Bible-believing Christian stands up in Wimbley in London and tells the leaders of the evangelical churches and denominations in that country that they don’t have all the truth, that those who aren’t even born again do. They have truth, too and we need their help?
A preacher stands up in the biggest Assemblies of God church in this country and says this world is our home, I repent of ever having sworn this world is not my home any more.
Jesus is coming; the East Gate. But when He comes, there’ll be a judgment.
Those gates were devastated in the days of Nehemiah and those gates are devastated today. Nehemiah and those who joined him realized there was no easy way out of it. They realized what had to be done, they rolled up their sleeves, and they got to it, men and women alike. They all had their own jobs, their own past, their own areas of work, but they realized it had to be done. There was no easy way. It’s exactly the same today.
Those are the gates. The Baptist Union is not going to rebuild those gates; they’ve compromised with Rome. The Assemblies of God is not going to rebuild those gates. The Church of England is not going to rebuild those gates. 30 years of “Charismatic Renewal” – where’s the renewal? There is none. Those gates are not going to be rebuilt by the clergy or the leaders. The nobles will never support the work of their masters. Those gates are going to be built by the same kinds of people who have always rebuilt them: People just like you. That’s who’s going to rebuild those gates.
We have a lot of work, and the hardest job – the hardest task – is prayer.
Final Application
Share how you’re going to take this teaching further than just knowledge or understanding and apply it to your life and/or local church.